Thursday, November 4, 2010

Found at Webster Flea

 Thank you for all your comments yesterday on my
Webster Flea market post....
...I adored all that blue enamelware but sadly no...
I didn't bring any pieces home to add to my collection.

In fact, I pretty much tried to stick to my resolve not to buy anything I couldn't take back on the plane with me. I picked up a few little clock faces, a funky little red Christmas tree stand, a rusty bed spring, some bits of lace trim...

(security at the airport must certainly have me pegged as one of the strange ones by now...)

...and then...
I saw this...

 ...which was holding these...

 Belgium, Dutch and French beer bottles...all in the prettiest shades of blue and green...
...all with a different maker etched onto the bottle...

After a little price negotiation...
I bought one of 3 crates full at a dirt cheap price.

Many thanks to my hunky brother in law Steve for carrying this heavy load back to the car while sister Lynn and I continued to shop.
(She found a set of gorgeous 1920's creme colored Bavarian china dishes decorated with an elegant silver and gold rim.)

That's the way it usually goes when we shop together.
Lynn finds something sophisticated and elegant and I find something crusty and rusty that I just can't live without.
  Like the time we were at the Paris flea market and she came home with a beautiful ring and I was thrilled with a wonderful blue and white checkered chipped enamel pitcher.
:) sigh

I enlisted my Dad 's help once again and we spent several hours cleaning off the sticky gook on the bottom of each bottle...

 These photos don't do the gorgeous colors justice...
...I can't wait to decorate with these beauties!
Can't you just picture them with a single blossom in each one...
...with the light shining through...
...perhaps lined up down the center of a table or on a window sill?

 Soap bubbles in the glass...

I even like the old crate!

Obviously, I had to leave the bottles and crate at my parent's home until we can arrange to get them north.

I did bring two of them back in my suitcase and will have to do a photo shoot soon!

Do you think I have lost my mind like the rest of my family does?

Maybe Mr. Flea won't mind...
...he likes Belgium beer!



  1. No haven't lost your mind. I love it! That crate would look great turned on it's side and you could fill the cubbies! I love the bottles. Great find! Isn't Websters only open on Mondays? Can't remember. Safe travels back home.

  2. Ohhh, you sertainly have a very great and marvellous mind, remembering to buy "goodies" like these!!!!!

    I can understand your happiness!

    Some weeks ago I found something similar and I just fell down on the floor, smiling and talking and shaking my head at the same time.....
    Didn´t think it was for real - but I was.
    I had found an old wooden crate (??? is it the right word?????) and a whole lot of old bottles in it. I nearly couldn´t breathe *big smile*
    and it was for sale!!!!
    I BOUGHT IT!!!!
    Off course I took some photos of it and I have it on my blog if you would like to see it.

    I´m so happy every time I look at it!

    Wish you a very nice day!
    Thank you for giving me so much inspiration!

  3. Obviously your sanity is completely intact! You would have been crazy to have passed these beauties up. Love the idea of the single bloom in some sort of profusion of an arrangement. I know you will be inspired to use these over and over again.


  4. Wonderful stuff you've found have a nose for it , that's how we say it in Dutch......
    have a nice evening, warm greetings from Gea

  5. Oh I just love it! the blue and green a just beautiful, & the old wooden crate... well the
    possibilites are endless!


  6. What a great find! Love these! BTW, even if you have lost your mind, I wouldn't try to find it. You won't have nearly as much fun should you locate it...tee hee! Xo, Sue

  7. No, you have NOT lost your mind! Those are AWESOME! You're going to have so much fun with those.

    I'm sure your sister will have fun with her china, but just how many ways can she use it? Your bottles have hundreds of uses!

  8. They are just beautiful! I would've had a much more difficult time only bringing those back based on your fun pictures! Gosh. So much temptation, so little suitcase space.

  9. Love the way your mind works~these were a fabulous find! And that crate! Fabulous!!!

  10. Other than the good cleaning you and your dad gave them...those don't need a thing...they can stand alone! a fox!

  11. Blue and green glass in any shape and form is always irresistible. You couldn't possibly have left those behind, they are beautiful and will make such a fabulous display. Love that crate as well.

  12. The bottles are beautiful colors! I like your idea of lining them up on a table!


  13. Oh, my, we who love the "junk" probably lost our minds long ago. The color and texture of the bottles is just great. Hope you post them all when displayed at home.

  14. Those bottles are just divine! Enjoy, enjoy.

  15. those bottles are awesome... and the crate too!!!

  16. these a great. just love them. i can imagine that you could not resist them.
    hope you can get them home soon
    hugs hannie

  17. Oh love old bottles......
    Each one in your nice crate is a real treasure.
    Love it!!!
    Fine evening

  18. Hello again!
    I thought you would like it :) :)

    You made me so happy with your words and I feel very honoured if I can give you inspiration. I have visited your blog for many times and it´s always a real pleasure!
    Wish you a nice evening!

  19. I would have bought these wonderful bottles and crate too! I love the colors of the bottles and of course the crate is fabulous.
    xo, Sherry

  20. NO you're not crazy - I have two sitting on my windowsill in my home here in France - the colour is great.
    However I'm intrigued about the rusty spring ?????

  21. How could anyone resist those ~ Love the color... can't wait to see what you do with them!

  22. i would never say you have lost your mind especially because i love many of the items you do. you go girl.Bestest,Denise

  23. Dear Laura,
    Wonderful as find beauty in everything.....and, it's good that we are all different and like different things. It would be a strange world if we all liked the same !!
    You and your dad did a great job at cleaning those beautiful bottles. You have made them sparkle and shine.
    Have a great weekend Laura. XXXX

  24. I'm with Mr Flea! We have a huge selection of beers here in the UK and I'll have the odd tipple here and there, but I love belgian beer!! :-)

    You're not nuts Laura, you just have an eye for the potential in things; it's a gift!!

    Jem xXx

  25. What a great find! Love the color of the bottles and I adore the crate. Looks like a fun time.

  26. I was fortunate to find a large lot of similar green glass bottles with the porcelain hinged caps at a local antique market and couldn't wait to snatch 'em up! They were from Kristaly, a chic hotel in Hungary. I only have a few left. Can't wait to see how you use these!

  27. Amazing colors... Great find! Lucky you.. the color is so pretty!


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