Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flea Market Adventure in Florida

 Monday was the Webster Westside Fleamarket.
My sweet sister Lynn and brother in law Steve drove me there...
knowing that I was dying to go!

...they are so good to me!

It was great to be out in the morning sunshine looking at all the treasures being offered.

So many things that I love!
All this blue and white enamelware was a collection that once belonged to the seller's parents.

 I  was tempted to buy this old Ivory Flakes soap box...

Don't you love this old dress form standing next to the Florida tropical upholstered chair?

 old photos...

vintage toy trains...

...great colors on this stack of old tins...

 ...a huge collection of old shaving brushes and paraphernalia...

 ...crochet lace...

some great vintage clocks...

...sewing machines...

This was a great collection of vintage  mother of pearl 
and other white buttons....
...all sewn on an old linen calendar.

 ... check out the 1939 New York World's Fair button!

 ...a nice old hooked rug...

 ...wooden shoe lasts...

It wouldn't be a flea market without a little Elvis...

 ...lots of vintage cameras...

...and of course...
...it wouldn't be a Florida fleamarket without a little of this!

I fly home tomorrow...
...although I am sorry to leave my parents I am grateful to have been able to spend this time with them.

See you tomorrow Mr. Flea!


  1. wow, you are in florida? i haven't been to webster in ages. hope you got some good stuff. safe travels home.



  2. I haven't been to Webster in ages either!!! I need to get back there...seems they carry more interesting things than my last visits! (I live 20 miles from Wester.)

  3. Wow! What an amazing collection of stuff! What a market that must be. I am envious. Glad you got to visit and hope your mum and dad are well.

  4. ~*~*such wonderful treasures!!~*~* Hugs,Rachel

  5. Hi Laura, I grew up going to Webster with my parents. My dad was an antique dealer and always came home with a truck full. I haven't been for years but I would love to go again next time I visit my dad.
    xo, Sherry

  6. I loved everything but those scary gator heads! LOL!


  7. Ok, I'm in Florida too and have not been to Webster's in years and years. I have been to Renningers which is much closer and it is pure heaven. I think I may need to take a trip. Thanks for sharing!

    Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

  8. Thanks for sharing..I haven't been to Webster in about10-11 years....wow time flies!

  9. oh I love it all.. I would go nuts!! I want each and every one of those vintage cameras... oooh.. camera envy!!! haha

    Fly Safe Laura xxx Julie

  10. What a great adventure! Love every photo. Thanks for taking window shopping!!

  11. there's something special about an outside show...great photos!

  12. Oh my goodness, i think i would have trouble breathing if i were you....they are all my favourite things especially that dress form, i have been looking for one exactly like the one you showed. All gorgeous Amanda

  13. Thanks for showing all the great pictures. Looks like a fun market. Have a safe trip home.


  14. Your leaving just when the weather is going to cool off...At least into the 70's LOL I love Websters and get there about twice a year. Goodness I live in Orlando I should go more often, but the time gets away! Hope you enjoyed your trip! Ya all come back now...Ya hear!


  15. Wow, Wow, Wow, love all the finds! I want it all! lulu

  16. I enjoyed looking at all of your pictures! I greatly enjoy your blog! :)


  17. Thank you for showing this to us! As a blue and white lover I was truely amazed! How nice that you've spent time with your parents! Have a safe trip back home!

    Cathrine :-)

  18. My mouth drops open in astonishment!......what a lot of beautiful things !!!...........nice !!..have a safe trip back home darling !!,.............love Ria...

  19. ooo my..this is awesome!!! did you buy anything??
    hugs hannie

  20. WOW, what a lot of great things to buy. I would have wanted to buy it all but a problem bringing it home on the plane. Did you buy anything?

  21. What wonderful things - I LOVE the buttons, what treasures.

  22. Did you have enough room in your suitcase for some of those blue and white treasures - china and enamel? I hope the seller kept some of their parents' blue and white enamel collection as a keepsake.

  23. Wouldn't be Florida without a 'gator or two.
    I'd love to locate bushel baskets with lids.
    I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your parents.

  24. Love those baskets! Thanks for sharing all this great "stuff"!!

  25. My goodness... What a wonderful adventure you had! And yes, you are blessed!
    Yvette @ The Charm House

  26. Oh my...that looks like a REAL fleamarket-adventure...wish I could be there too!!

    Thanks for sharing these great pictures!

    Veel groetjes, Veronique

  27. My, oh my........ So many treasures!!!!!
    I really love that white flowerbutton.
    My heart goes "boom, boom, boom" *big smile*
    Have a nice day!

  28. The blue and white china is so beautiful - would look lovely in any kitchen, what a wonderfully odd selection of things - did you treat yourself to anything? :-)

    Looks like you've had a lovely time with your parents over the last couple of weeks!

    Jem xXx

  29. I LOVE Webster!!! I haven't been for a few years and I really miss it!! Thanks for the post!!!

  30. Wow you are in Florida! What a great flea-market, what a wonderful things, I like that and that and that, ooh yes and this. It's to much to take it home ;-))
    Have a good trip to your home, Laura.

    from Holland

  31. Yikes! Be still my beating heart!!!
    Love the blue and white china and those great tins all stacked up!

  32. What did you buy? I love that rug! Have a safe trip home. Hugs, Liz

  33. .. absolutely beautiful pictures ... you are very talented !!!

  34. laura,you are a loving and thoughtful woman to take the time to stay with your folks,even tho it is your pleasure. love the photos. i would like the vintage clock with the finial on top. Bestest,Denise

  35. hi! what wonderful fleamarket pics! but i don´t like to see those crocodile´s - uhh! but i MUST LOVE the pics with your blue´s.

  36. merci pour cette belle brocante,tout ce que j'aime comme tu le sais.

    Bonne journée

    A kiss from Paris


  37. I'll have the buttons please. Charmaine

  38. Wow, what wonderful goodies and such lovely pictures of them. I sure hope that you will be bringing some of those treasures home with you!

  39. So much gorgeous vintage goodness, wow!
    That enamelware alone has me swooning. :-)

  40. Wow what great finds there were to be had. You had great resolve, I don't know if I could of been so good. Thanks for sharing. Florence

  41. What a great variety and that dress form... how to resist? I'd have strapped her to the mini-van and hauled her north :)

  42. I want to go to Florida. Where are the best places to go to find the most flea markets. Not so many in Georgia. Pray tell! Love, love your blog. I gotta find me some old buttons.

  43. Just visiting for the first time. Came over from Marianne's Vintage Gal blog.
    All I can say is, OMGosh!!! Each image scrolling down made me drool that much more. Where in the heck is Webster? I have got to check that place out!
    Thanks for sharing!!!


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