Friday, October 29, 2010

Haunted Antique Doll Factory

This post is spooky!

 Not long ago, I wandered into a booth in an antique center that was filled with these decrepit and rusty molds from an old doll factory..

 It was a strange and eerie sight...

 It reminded me of Frankenstein with all the nuts and bolts...

 Quite chilling with all these disjointed appendages...

 I stayed long enough to take these pictures...
...knowing they would be perfect for Halloween.

...and then I got the heck out of there!

I hope you have a Happy Halloween weekend!

...from now on it will be all sunshine and goodness!

Tomorrow is my Mom's 83rd birthday and we are planning a special celebration!



maryboys said...

these photos could not be any more perfect!!! they are spooky and eerie and chilling...thank you for taking these to share with everyone:) i loooove them...


Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~**~CREEPY!!!lol..~*~Have a SPooKtAcUlAR Weekend!!~*~* Hugs, Rachel ;)~*~*~*

peet said...

SPOOKYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day tomorrow on your mothers birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Peet

jabreb said...

Actually, they're not scary to me at Mom used to make porcelain dolls for a hobby/living and I'm was used to seeing doll parts laying around; maybe not this moldy!!

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 83rd to your Mom - may she really enjoy the special celebration - wishing her many, many more!!!

rosenresli said...

Hello Laura,

this is the best Halloween-Post I have ever seen and it is really spooky. I love it. Your pictures are absolutely great.

I wish you a wonderful birthday party,

best greetings from germany,

Andy's Attic said...

Those pictures are creepy! Perfect for Halloween. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mother!

Unknown said...

...oh Laura ~
I actually adore them...
I envision a completed beautiful dollie when all those pieces are put together!!
But you truely have made them appear spooky:)
Happy birthday celebrating weekend!
xo, Rosemary

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

That is a great post today! Thanks for sharing.....Julian

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Wow those are cool...yes, they are kinda scary but still cool!
Happy 83rd Birthday to your Mom!!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Waaay too creepy for me!! Very cool though! Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Jem said...


What spinetingling collection of spooky images!

A very happy 83rd birthday to your Mum, I hope she has a lovely day!

Jem xXx

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

Cool doll photos! judy

G-STYLE said...

It is al little bit spooky indeed........but interesting to see too.

I wish your mother a very nice day tomorrow and hope all your plans succeed.
warm greetings from Gea

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Laura Sweetie...
Oh my, I think I would have been tempted to make a purchase. What a treasure for sure. It does makes a precious Halloween post though too.

Happy Early 83rd Birthday to your sweet Momma. Please tell her Happy Birthday for me, and I wish her many, many more to come. May she receive all the goodies her little heart desires.

Many hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

Rosemary said...

Nothing creepier than old dolls. Very Spooky Laura.
Tell your mom Happy Birthday from me.
Happy Halloween!!!

Bohemian said...

Oh how delightfully creepy... Dolls often creep people out, and these old Molds are PERFECT for a Halloween Theme vignette... I would have been tempted to purchase them for my displays, a rare find!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Blondie's Journal said...

Very creepy!!

Happy Birthday to your mom and Happy Halloween!


Chrissie said...

Oh my word. Now that is an unusual sight!

D.B. said...

YIKES! But soooooo cooooool! Happy Birthday to your mom!

Carole said...

Hold on Laura it's almost over and you can come out from under the covers!

The spookier the better for the old dolls

stephanie said...

what you didn't mention was... what was spookier was the WHOLE PLACE!

i've been off exit 21b as well...

happy halloween...prettyfunny

Sue Young said...

Creepy creepy creepy!

Pam Kessler said...

Those are some seriously creepy photos. Hope your Mom has a wonderful Birthday!

Beach House Living said...

Creepy indeed!

erin's art and gardens said...

happy, happy birthday to your sweet mum!!

Rustique Gal said...

Laura, those are truly strange and spooky images! Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Unknown said...

I love your spooky images! Please wish your Mom a very "Happy Birthday" from Rochester, NY!!

gretchen said...

great photos...could you please share where this is? I can think of several people that would love to have one of these. thanks~

Unknown said...

eeeewwww!! I have thought dolls were creepy ever since I was little!!! Barbies were o.k., but the rest of them, well....

LizlovesVintage said...

Very cool!!! Happy Halloween! Hugs, Liz

Unknown said...

Loved this post! Those are awesome pictures! Super creepy! :)

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

These are great for Halloween. I had the same reaction when we toured the rooms where they make wax museum figures. Really creepy.

Best wishes and a happy birthday to your mom!
xoxo, Sherry

Prairie Girl Studio said...

yikers! really freakin me out here, laura!
i am thinking those doll parts are going to come to life any second ... creeeeeeepy!

awww ... wonderful! many happy birthday wishes to you mom! : )


Beatnheart said...

Happy Halloween Everyone!

manon 21 said...

j'ai vu aussi ces moules dans une brocante.

Je te souhaite un bon halloween une belle fête chez toi,tu vas distribuer des bonbons aux enfants qui vont sonnez à ta porte????



A Wild Thing said...

As visions of 'Cracked in the Head' nightlights, whirl 'round my head...boy could I have fun with those body parts!

Happy Halloween and birthday Mom!!!


Les Cotrions said...

Your post is just perfect for Halloween Laura!!!
Faboulous photos!!!
Happy birthday to your mother and a special "ciao" for her from Italy!
Happy week end!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
First and most importantly, please wish your mum the happiest 83rd birthday. I wish her the BEST of days and many, many happy returns. Tell her to have lots of cocktails !! I wish you all a lovely family day.
Now, those doll's really do give me the creeps.....I have always found doll's a bit spooky along with statues....there is something about them, especially just parts of them !!
Have a great Hallowe'en and hope that you aren't too scared.
Lots of love to your mum. XXXX

time worn interiors said...

Love it all!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Eek ~ perfect Halloween post!!

Happy, happy birthday to your Mom ~ have a fun celebration!

Kim said...

that is CRRREEEEPPPY! ewww. The legs and arms freak me!

Happy 83rd Birthday to your mom!

Lilla Blanka said...

Hi Laura!

Ohh, spoooky! But at the same time I like it =)

Dolls in the old times looked creepy (not only the molds), not at all like todays cute dolls.

Hopefully your mother had a great b-day today, I wish her the best.

Big hug

Rhonda said...

Well, you scared me! LOL - those painted dolls are even more creepier than most. I don't blame you for scootin' out of there.

Fabulous Halloween post!

Cathie said...

happy Halloween weekend & especially happy birthday to your mom!!
hope you have a wonderful celebration ♥

thank you so very much for popping by, I love new visitors ♥

Annemary said...

plein de bisous pour ta maman !!!!!!!juste 20 ans de plus que moi suis du 27.10 .....bons voeux

Rebecca said...

Hi Laura
Happy Birthday to your dear mama...
and Happy Halloween, very cool post.

thegypsychick said...

ha i love this post! too cute! i hope that you have a happy halloween & that your mom has a very blessed birthday!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

That is a perfect for Halloween post, Laura. Have a good one.

Michelle Palmer said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!!!
Thank you for staying long enough to take those photographs~

Unknown said...

great post; thanks. as a kid always hated dolls but recently am drawn to them (in my art). prefered playing with my 'soft' toys; think i was repulsed by the plastic smell of my dolls. nowadays i am having my revenge as i dismember and assemblage dolly delghts into odd sculptures; sick?. Love, LOve, LOVe, LOVE these images...

Journal Swag said...

OMG! I would have wanted them! Probably a good thing I couldn't have them. I have a few "regular" old doll heads around here and my grandson thinks they are so creepy!


very merry vintage style said...

um... yikes! those are creepy. who would buy those, I wonder? They would be perfect for a haunted house!

Anonymous said...

IT is spooky. Charmaine

Evi said...

spooky indeed. Now I would have probably wanted the face mold.
Please give your Mom happy belated birthday wishes from Ebbie and me.
Sorry, have been stressed with the up-coming show and have lots of ketching up to do on everybodies blogs.
Enjoy the family, talk to you soon, have lots to tell you,
hugs, Evi

rebecca said...

creepy (but kinda cool). thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

This place does have a spooky feel. Great photos! ~ Sarah

aimee said...

ugh! sooooo creepy. i never owned dolls, cause they did and still do creep me out. happy birthday to your sweet mom!