Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just for Fun!

Spring.....the season of rebirth...the season of growth!

If we can hold on just a few more weeks ...
... we will have made it through this long and snowy winter!

We thoroughly enjoyed the sunny weather this weekend...
...and hope that you did as well.

This will be my last week at the office...

...Spring...the season of rebirth...the season of growth!

Good night!
:) Laura


Anonymous said...

LOL! I love the chickens in the bucket! Too funny!

Marie said...

Lovely little chicks. I will miss my snuggly sweaters but am so excited about fun little sping dresses.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

vintage girl at heart said...

Love this post!!!
We have had some wonderful weather as well and I am ready to decorate and plant for Spring!
Yay for the last week for you!
Where di you find that frist chick?? I love his Kramer fur!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Ok this was lots of fun! Thanks for a nice smile!

Danielle said...

I just have one question.......What came first, the chicken or the egg? Cute pictures.

Cindy said...

I had to look closer and ask" what is this darling fluffy chick made of". It is so cute and I've never seen one like that. The bucket of chicks cracks me up!

Amy Kinser said...

Great pictures. I love that blue bucket; so great looking. And, the way you displayed those little chicks throughout the photos made me chuckle.

north pal said...

that made me smile all by myself as i sit here and read your blog. Bestest,Denise

NicNacManiac said...

Those are the most adorable chicks and the fuzzy one is the cutest!!
Enjoy your last week in the working world!!
Your whole world is just beginning!!
Make the most of it!! xOxO Nerina

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my gosh! That little chick and all those peeps are just absolutely adorable. The peeps in the bucket are almost real, especially the little one looking right up at us. Sweet! Enjoy you final week at the office, the open your wings and be free. :) Blessings, Tammy

The Smith Hotel said...

Those chicks are too cute! Love that roughed up little guy! Have a Great Week!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Chicks everywhere! Cute!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH this made me smile! Adorable! I will be thinking of you this week!

Andy's Attic said...

I'm laughing my ---- off! That is perhaps the ugliest chick I've ever seen. The various poses are a riot! I have to bookmark this post for when I need a good laugh. Thank you,

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Loved all the chicks ! Did you make the one in the first pictures??

DustyLu said...

Love the little birdies! The first one looks so adorable...~lulu!

Anne Lorys said...

I love your scruffy little chicken. :-)


hostess of the humble bungalow said...

This is a funny post...those wee chicks in the blue pail...LOL!

manon 21 said...

c'est fun de pouvoir s'amuser!!!

bonne semaine


It's me said...

I love the first bird it most !!

He/she is so cute !................spring?? it is snowing here...........pfffffffff,,have a great last week at your work !

Greetz Ria

Unknown said...

How cute your birdies are! And the upper one looks so alive!
Best wishes

Unknown said...

Dear Laura,

the purse and the poth cloth are knitted, then thrown into the washing machine, washed at 60 degree Celsius, and the way you see them they leaved the machine. It´s really amazing to experience the metamorphosis! Perhaps I will felt again this way, and then I will show before- and after-photos!

Thanks for the hint regarding the translator! I have installed it just now :-)

Best wishes

Iris ♥

judi said...

This is SO cute and gave me a giggle! Love that first peep, as someone said, the one with the "Kramer" fur!
Wishing you a great week and a start to a new adventure!
~judi ;)

sally said...

A pail of peeps and they are getting loose. Now,I know it is turning into spring.

Theresa said...

Cute chicks and it gives me Spring fever. We had a gorgeous weekend here! Have a blessed day!

Linens Lace and Lattes said...

Luv your peeps in a bucket! Best of luck to you during your last week.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

How exciting, it's your last week at the office and almost spring at the same time! Enjoy those last days at the office and then get ready for freedom, Laura!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Laura
How apt you will start Phase 2 of 'The Life of Laura' during the spring!! Spring is such a time of hope and confidence.. and I'm sure just as that bucket is overflowing with chickies, your new life will overflow with promise!! So happy for you Laura.. [envious.. hahaha but happy!!!!] xxx Julie [now what will i say next week when phase 2 does start?]

Sussi / Sussinghurst said...

I just adore the little rough looking guy - sitting on the egg, lovely

Mayflower said...

Hello Laura, what a cute post with all those little chickens hihi. Beautiful your pictures. Here there was this morning snow but soon everything was gone and now the sun is shining.
Have a nice week.
Warm regards, Mea

Marion said...

Hello Laura,
This pictures are so funny, it bring a smile on my fase.
And the blue basket so beautifull.

Have a nice day
Bey bey Marion

1 Funky Woman said...

Oh that made me giggle! I love the goofy bird sitting on the egg. I want him! Where did you get him, or did you make him?

mary pernula said...


Lululiz said...

What a fun post, the chicks in the bucket were hilarious.

Florence said...

Loved that first chick, it looked like a new born with the wild hair. Also loved the blue enamel ware. Great spring weekend every where. Florence

Lisa Holtzman said...

What a fun uplifting post. Very cute!

♥Frann♥ said...

нαρρу ωσмαи'ѕ dαу тσ αℓℓ нєяє =D

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Oh my! Too cute and funny. I love all the little chicks.

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

That first little chickie is way too precious!
Made my day!

Rosemary said...

Cute post Laura!!
Love the chicks!
Good luck this week, it's also my daughter's last week at her job. She is leaving to be a stay at home mom.
Chat soon,

Le banc moussu said...

That's a success. It's very funny. I love it.

Wilhelmiina said...

This was lots of fun :) Thanks for photos !

Kom Achterom said...

fun funier funiest chicken!!!
love it
bay have a nice evening

Beatnheart said...

very cute chick..reminds me of when I was little..I think I had one like that..enjoy your last week..cynthia

Lorraine said...

very funny..spring was here today too but now its gone cold again

debi lynn mattingly said...

Hey girlfriend!
Gotta have one of those "tattered and torn" chicks!!! And have a great week knowing that your new creative path is just around the corner....xo...deb

the old white house said...

That was adorable! Best wishes this week. Theresa

Gaia said...

Cuty little birds!
I hope we had the same weather...Winter seems to be back! Rain and snow and freeze air!

Have a great week!
Don't miss my Giveawat, come to visit me!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Cute little chickees. I love the chickens in the bucket. Too cute!


June said...

Laura your little hatching of Springtime made me laugh. So darn cute, and so darn funny!

Lisa said...

C U T E! Made mew smile and giggle! THANKS!
Hugs, Lisa

Judy B. said...

Love your your blog. I'm wondering how you will feel on your first day of NOT having to go to the office...not to hurry, get dressed, fight the traffic, etc. Some how the word 'FREEDOM" pops into my mind. Hope you totally enjoy yourself on vacation and the road ahead.

polkadotsandblooms said...
