Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Stories

Love vintage Christmas books and have been able to collect a few over the years...

The illustrations are so charming...

This one belonged to Rob's grandmother and was given to her at Christmas in 1904...

Putting on the Christmas music when I get home from work tonight...
Planning to get that tree up and decorated on Saturday!
I hope I have the energy to match the plans! :)


  1. Your Christmas books are wonderful, love the covers. The illustrations in the older books were fantastic. I hope I have the energy to do all my projects as well. Right now it is 4:30 in the morning. My cats woke me up and here I am on the computer!

  2. I love old books, Laura, especially Christmas ones. I have one and it's called 'Old Christmas' by Washington Irving.
    I love the one that yu have shown as it's red, which makes it even more Christmassy.
    Have fun, decorating your tree. XXXX

  3. Hi Laura
    Beautiful Christmas posts this week. I haven't had a tree in years.. mostly as I only like real trees and I live alone.. so never quite get around to it.. Might have to slap the bah humbug out of me this year...

    Ciao xx Julie

  4. Hello Laura
    Christmas is simply not complete without some old Christmas books! The illustrations are so lovely
    Have a lovely weekend
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  5. I also love vintage books! Those are beautiful! Beautiful berries and pine cones, fit to be framed! Have a blessed day dear friend!

  6. The books are lovely. Have a peaceful weekend getting the decorations up and ready for the holiday. xo Joan

  7. Laura, OH YES, so love these old books.
    MOST especially heirloom ones. How delightful is that?
    ~~ I wish I had some...I have a number of Vintage Children's books, but I don't believe any are specifically for Christmas.


    P.S. ~I would love to invite you over to my

    So many of us enjoy the Victorian Christmas
    Post Cards.

    Thank you,
    Rose ~

  8. Like you (and I see many others) I love vintage Christmas books and I love to go through them every year.
    Yours are really beautiful and so special to have a book that belonged to Rob´s grandmother as a child!
    Have a wonderful weekend with lots of Christmas fun.
    ♥ Jeannette

  9. I love all vintage books but the Christmas ones are extra special.
    How wonderful to have a book that was owned by Rob's grandmother in 1904! Now that is very special (and I love the graphics inside of it).
    Have fun decorating this weekend.

  10. I always love coming to visit you....your Christmas post today is wonderful.....blessings

  11. I love how bright those books are, perfect for the holidays. I agree the vintage books have some of the best illustrations.
    Merry Christmas...

  12. Lucky you!! Wish we had our tree,we started this tradition years ago that we get our tree on my birthday and decorate it the next nite,so I guess it will just have to wait till next week!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend,talk to you soon....

  13. I love your vintage Christmas books...which reminds me that I also have some stashed away..just need to find 'em! Your pictures are always so perfect...
    Have a great weekend, I'll be right there with ya, trying to finish Christmas this weekend. I just don't have the where-with-all to do anything in the evenings after work any more!

  14. I wish you boundless energy to decorate your tree :-) Decorating mine was one of the things that gave me the energy to go and cook the kids' dinner afterwards. Have a special weekend and enjoy your 'symphony' of music ;-) Bisous

  15. Oh, how I love vintage books, too! But I just keep moving them from place to place -- how to display such beauty?! (PS: I am so honored to have you "follow" me!)

  16. I too have a little collection of Christmas stories, but none as charming or vintage as yours! Love the illustrations.

  17. Ciao Laura! I'd like to meet you again...we don't know...may be one day we could come to visit you or you could come back to'd be fantastic!!!
    The old book is gorgeous! I'm looking forward seeing your Christmas tree...I'll have to wait next week for mine...too busy for the markets now!
    Enjoy a serene Advent week end!
    Big hugs

  18. j'ai chiné quelques livres de noël à NYC,mais ils sont dans la maison de campagne donc a voir Noël prochain!!!!

    bon weekend


  19. What precious books! Oh, how I love those illustrations. They're lovely.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. You make me want to collect old books...I am trying so hard not to become a collector...

  21. What beautiful old Christmas books! Don't you love collecting them.

    I have a few myself and decided to post about them today, also, if you get a chance stop by and take a peek.



  22. Love the old Christmas books Laura.
    Have fun decorating your tree, I am doing the same.

  23. Be still my heart! Love those gorgeous red books.


  24. Laura I adore the illustrations in that first book. I'm always looking for old books with beautiful artwork. Have a great time picking out a tree.


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