Friday, November 6, 2009

Vintage Black Friday 3

What a busy week! I wanted to play VBF again this week so here are a few old black things from my stash of stuff and photographs! Love those Flinch sister Lynn and I used to play that at our Nana's house when we were kids. The little shoe is one of a pair of teeny, tiny, sparkly Cinderella like shoes....found when out antiquing with Paula a few years ago...

Speaking of shoes.....I saw these in a store window in Florence, Italy back in September while we were there on our wonderful trip....Rob and sister Lynn were dragging me through the cobblestone streets searching for DAVID....I was snapping pictures all the way!
Amazing shoes, yes?

We did eventually find DAVID but...sadly the exhibit was closed on Mondays!
(Next time!...always optimistic that there will be another trip in the future!)

To see other participants in Vintage Black Friday visit Jill at Gypsy Brocante!

Fun weekend ahead....craft show, flea market and tomorrow is Rob's birthday!
:) Laura


  1. Oh so the shoes. If I can pull myself away from France I will head to Italy soon! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Those sure are some vixeny shoes (not a word, I know!). Not sure I could walk in 'em, but they'd come in handy if I got mugged...they look SHARP!
    Love the Flinch cards, too!

  3. Shoes really are a study in engineering and art. How do they hold us up on such a small heel and how does it make a leg look so good?...well some of us:)Those Italian shoes must have been a pretty penny! How many did you buy?? ha-ha!

  4. I had just a few hours in Florence, Italy last Fall. We went to the David Exhibit and so I only had a few moments to see the shops! Not nearly enough! David was pretty fabulous though.

  5. I am loving those shoes very SAUCEEE... I am a clock FREAK so I love the clock faces :) I hope your week was good and tha you have a great weekned.


  6. Somehow I thought that vintage black Friday was only in October like Halloween month. I think I'll play once (or twice) too. I love the sweet miniature shoe and the big ones too, thought I couldn't walk on them anymore especially not in Florence! Have a great weekend!

  7. Fabulous finds, Laura and love the sparkly little Cinderella shoe.
    Many happy returns to Rob and hope that you have a lovely time, celebrating his birthday. XXXX

  8. prachtige schoenen! ze zijn geweldig!
    I love your blog!
    Have a nice weekend, groeten Jolanda.

  9. Sexy Shoes, wonder if anyone bought them?
    Love your photos.

  10. Ahhhhhh David.....what else can you say? Love those shoes....lucky girl got to go to Italy.
    Happy VBF

  11. All gorgeous as ever! The shoe are stunning, but im sure i would fall over break an ankle and look a stunning mess in them... but i could always just have them to look at!
    I have just read your 'My symphony' on your side bar and it really touched thank you for that, i adore a good quote! I have popped it on my blog with a credit to you i hope you dont mind.
    Keep up the great work, xxx

  12. Hi Laura
    Well I think I like VBF best... not that I don't like all your posts!! cause of course I'm stuck on blue too like you!!

    Your bits and pieces are gorgeous and I really love the vintage shoe and those flinch cards. Never heard of Flinch .. you'll have to explain one day to us Aussies!! hehe

    Thanks for your lovely comments. You are one of my favourite followers and I know you 'get me'!!

    Have a great weekend and happy birthday to Rob!! xx Julie

  13. Love the shoes, too! And those cards take me back!

  14. Those shoes are so amazing-what a gorgeous collage, and lovely tribute to VBF!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtaGe

  15. Hi laura,
    ADORE the shoes but would hate to walk in them!! ;-) I am a brocante queen myself. Autumn gives me the chance to work on what I've picked up before the next season starts! Love your blog. I'm along for the ride. By the way - may I borrow your quote 'Symphony' quote one day? I will be sure to like back to you.

  16. Hi Laura, and thanks for your kind comments. I am personally keen on having a cheerful, pretty blog, especially as I blog for my mum who is ill. But I feel uncomfortable when people think that my blog represents some kind of perfect lifestyle I'm leading!

    You strike a really good balance here. Somehow your pictures are exquisite yet you don't make readers feel inadequate. I don't know how you do it but please carry on!

  17. I'm not really a heal type of girl but something about those shoes make my legs weak (in the good way). I guess a part of us still want to play dress up.

  18. PS I just quoted your comment and linked to you on my post today - thanks for your great words!

  19. How those Flinch cards. The shoes are absolutely amazing!! Gorgeous..Happy VBF!! xOxO

  20. Congrats on Rob's birthday!!!
    Love the flinch cards ...

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Congrats on Rob's birthday! And love the flinch cards ....

    Have a great weekend,

  22. Bonjour! Just found your blog via Rita's Shabby Chic blog. COngratulations on your award! I've enjoyed reading through all your posts and will be following along.

  23. You just oooze creativity! ... love the little shoes under the glass dome ... pretty!

    Have a great week!


  24. Cool Blacks!! Have a super Happy Weekend!!


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