This fall I am sorting through old finds ...from up in the attic...out in the shed...down in the basement...all around the house...

Several years ago, I was surprised to find this wonderful old French hatbox at a house sale up in the Adirondack mountains. It was an unexpected treasure among fishing poles and rustic camp items...

This lovely gray wool short waist jacket has interesting details...I love the ivory trim...and the asymmetrical fabric covered buttons. The front closes with hidden hooks and eyes...
...I wonder who this sweet jacket belonged to....and what sort of person she was...and what she looked like...and if she went to school or married and had children...I wonder if she loved art or music...I wonder what her story was...
I wonder about the stories behind all these old treasures....
Do you?
...OK.... back to work Laura! :)
Hey Laura,
I'm wondering were you found that fabulous Hatbox in the Adirondack's.... nice find. Thanks for inspiration as i will visit
back soon. Let me know the next time your in my neck of the
woods and make sure you stop by my shop!
Hi Laura, I love that you wonder about these things too... I sometimes make up little stories in my mind to go along with my beautiful treasures... who knows... maybe someone is telling us about them... Bisous... Julie Marie
Your treasures are lovely. I don't think too much about who owned my items. I think it's kind of sad. I don't know why. Sad that they can't have it and sad my treasure was given away. I'm strange like that! hehehe
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Laura, love the French Hat Box...and your wondering about it's owner. As a Realtor I've had some wonderful old homes listed (and seen)where I also wonder if they would just tell us stories about their past. Your hat box reminds me of a gorgeous old home I had listed once where there were still wooden hat stands built into the closets, along with glove stretchers and other delightful items from times gone by. These ruminations do make our every day routines thoughtful and interesting.
Thanks for the lovely descriptions.
It's fun going though garages, basements and attics to find treasures. I've been pleasently surprised in my findings.
i too have wondered who the previous owner was and if my found treasure was precious to them. i love old vacated buildings and wonder what the walls would say. would they be happy or......bestest, Denise
Hi Laura,
I, too, wonder about the former lives of things I find. And I've been to estate sales where I wish I had the known the person who lived there because I know I would have liked them.
I always wonder about the people in old photos ... what happened to them, what their life was like ... Old postcards too, reading the lines describing the weather or the scenery or the journey. Fun to think about. Your blog is just lovely. -amy
I always wonder about the lives of the people who pre-owned my treasures, especially when I'm at an estate sale and can see a big picture of their lives. One of the other dealers in my mall claims that by rescuing these items, cleaning them, and then displaying them, we are honoring not only the items, but the previous owners. It was such a lovely sentiment, which I fear I'm not communicating properly.
Oh yeah, I always wonder about the history behind my found objects. That's why I love buying vintage so much, those things have lived a life and have a story to tell.
Great post!
What wonderful treasures your found all around the house! Happy hunting! :) Tammy
The hatbox is wonderful, whenever I find any old thing, I wonder to whom it belonged, too. I imagine his or her life and make stories about it in my mind. I don´t know, if you understand me, but I cannot write it better, sorry.
magnifique cette harmonie Laura.
Your house - or better: your houses,including the house in the Adirondack mountains - are full of treasures. And each of this treasures is telling a story (or lots of stories, perhaps it went through many hands?)... So your house must be fulfilled with wisper ... listen: Here a sory, there a story, aah, how wonderful!
Hugs, Traude
I would love to go treasure hunting in your house! Your photos are wonderful as always, the items tdf! Have a lovely day!
Hi Laura, isn't that jacket beutiful? I have bought vintage jackets at Camden Market in London and wear them. Your one is so pretty. I also like the first collection of pictures especially the wreath.... I just LOVE wreaths..... another wonderful collection of your treasures for us to see. XXXX
I always wonder who old finds belonged to...I like objects which have a story! Your hat-box is so nice with monograms...and I like the colours of the jacket!
Have a nice day my friend!
Big hugs
Beautiful hat box, I would have scooped that up too:) Have a blessed day!
I do think about the stories. Wondering about the history behind things makes these old things so much more interesting to me than anything new.
Hi my friend this post is full of harmony and beauty! I love all picture!
Tank you for leaving such lovely comment. Have a nice day and see you soon
Laura, J'adore your look! I am booking you for sure...
Always, always, I do wonder. Especially photographs. It makes me wonder why there wasn't a family member to give them to. I once found at an estate sale of a husband and wife their daughter's entire wedding album with all the proofs as well. I didn't take it, but still, makes you think, huh? Stan
It's always fun to rediscover things we've tucked away isn't it?! Love your goodies especially that hat box!
What marvelous items! I too like to imagine the lives of the former owners. I'm so happy to have found your blog and I look forward to future return visits.
Wonderful, inspiring shots...thank you!
Your images and items are just beautiful! Thank you for your wonderful inspirations!
Hi, Laura:
I found you blog at Julie Marie's Idly Hours, and I so glad I did it, because it is so beautiful that it takes my break away!
Lovely hat box.
Have a nice day,
...yes all those old treasures are magical to me...with storys behind...feelings...
lovely post Laura!
take care,
Magdalena/Color Sepia
Hi Laura, happy white wednesday. I told you before, several times, I love your header.
I have enjoyed looking at your whole blog this morning. You have such a wonderful style and imagination. I especially love what your have done with your scary books. Amazing, they are the focal point of the desplays. That is such a huge statment. It's pulling me into the desplays and I want more.
Beautiful pictures! I always wonder too, what the story is behind my vintage finds. I just found an old hand held compass and just wonder who used it and where they may have traveled with it. This was a great post.
Oh Laura
That hatbox!! Delightful!! It reminds me of the small vanity cases we had as children.. with the small shirred pocket!! Just beautiful
Have a FAB week xx Julie
Hi, Laura! Do I wonder about the stories? YOU BETCHA! Also I am so "story oriented" that I ask artists about the story behind their piece and help them to make one up if there isn't any!
Hugs and Love your stuff!
Betty :)
Hi, dont you love it when you find stuff that you had forgotten about? It's like Christmas all over again. BTW..love the cloches's on your header.
I just had this very conversation with someone...we had started setting up one of the vignettes for the Holiday Open House and some of the things we have been gathering this year were being unpacked and priced...I can just imagine little stories about the original owners...the lives they led...It's like they have left a imprint on the piece just begging to be remembered...I think my stuff will be like that too...Hopefully letting people know how much the little wonderment meant to me...Have a great week...donna
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