Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lilac Love

May is such an incredibly beautiful month...

It is also the month my Dad was born...
...he will be 86 in a few days!
(and is still working on his dollhouses!)

 Our beautiful daughter Kate was born on May 1st
and the lilacs were in full bloom the day we brought her home.

We are so fortunate to have three different varieties of lilacs
 that were once our mothers and grandmothers.

Sharing my lilac love with all of you...
...and Happy Mother's Day too!


P.S. ...and just so you don't think that everything
around here smells heavenly...
...below is a photo I snapped of an unwanted intruder.

I have filled the house with buckets of lilacs but this fragrant fellow
 has taken up residence under the front porch. 
oh well  :)


  1. I love the lilacs in the mason jar. So pretty.

    The smell of lilacs always takes me back to my childhood. We had lilac bushes the length of the backyard. Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful lilacs! I love the blue jars with them, too! Hope the skunk finds new digs soon!

  3. Laura
    So beautiful to see your lilac post. I love the mix against the blue ball jars. Its a beautiful time of year to enjoy these beauties. Have a blessed Mother's day


  4. Love this post. Love the lilacs.

    xoxo Rozmeen

  5. immagini veramente splendide! mi piace moltissimo il tuo blog!

  6. This is one of the best smelling flowers.
    I am going to pick some today!
    Nice post.

  7. Love lilacs. We just planted 3 more bushes.
    today would have been my mom's
    104th birthday. Happy Birthday to Kate and your dad!!

  8. Ha ha Laura you make me laugh...
    Life is all about balance...some smelly good, some smelly bad!
    Lovin' my lilac for the first time, 6 years in the ground and finally flowering, Heaven!

  9. I love lilacs and yours are beautiful.
    We had skunks under our deck last year. They find a safe spot to have their family. Soon as the babies are born they will leave. Ours left with three little following behind. We also got rid of the grubs in our yard. Good luck. Blessings, Becky

  10. I have finally managed to get lilac to take in my garden. One white, one purple. One of my favourite flowers. They are only just budding. Thanks for the pics. xx

  11. For the little intruder, maybe if you put a cloth or dish with ammonia under the porch it might leave. =D The ammonia only lasts for a day or two. =D Janet

  12. Our terrier chased a little skunk into our mudroom/laundry room once. She stayed for three days, hiding behind the furnace and other appliances and pretending we couldn't see her. We walked very gently in and out of the house for those three days, before she finally left!

  13. Oh the skunk is adorable! My dad had a whole menagerie of pet [but wild] skunks in Cape Cod, so fun to see them. I don t think he/ she will spray unless you scare her.
    They like dry cat food, btw.

    lizzy, gone to the beach

  14. Ooh, this is wonderful, I love the colour of the this lilacs.

    Have a Happy Mother's Day also!

    Hugs for you

  15. Thanks for your sweet hi on my blog.
    O lovely these pictures of lilacs.
    Unfortunately do I get a terrible headache of the smell of these lovely flowers but i enjoy them outside:)
    Hugs Gerda

  16. Hi Laura, we are in the Baltimore at the airport, waiting for our connection to Hartford. We are almost to Brimfield, yippee, Skippee!!! We can't grow lilacs in Texas, so I cherish each lovely scent for the few days we are in Massachusetts.

  17. Oh I love lilacs, but ours are not in bloom yet! I can't wit..we have had such a weird spring! Love all your bouquets but not your skunk! Lol!


  18. Your lilacs look lovely and the blue Mason jar makes a great vase.

  19. May 1st birthdays and lilacs are two of my favorite things. Both of my children were born 4 years apart on May 1st, so it is definitely a time we celebrate. My daughter especially loves the lilacs are blooming on her birthday.

  20. Hi Laura, first of all happy birthday to your dad :)
    What a touching story of lilacs being in bloom when you arrived home with a sweet scent of a bundle of joy, to then take notice of a sweet scent all around you.

    Your vignettes and photos are just so beautiful.
    A beautiful month of May to you.


  21. Stunning photos Laura! The kids bought me a white Lilac for Mother's Day to go beside my deep purple and light purple ones!! No wonder the power of scent is our strongest sense and brings back the fondest memories:)) xo

  22. Happy birthday to dad
    Maybe he is the same day as me or a little younger he he

    Love your happiness shots ciao xxx Julie

  23. Oh my gosh---your furry little friend made me laugh Laura! They are so cute at a distance.
    Your lilacs are gorgeous. I love that you have the ones that your mother and grandmother had. That makes them all the more special. I am blessed to have a couple from mine too.
    I wish your dad a Happy Birthday later this month Laura...I know how close you two are and I am so inspired at how much help you are to him.
    sending hugs...

  24. Hi Laura,
    I just love the turquoise with the mauve lilacs. Gorgeous! I am so happy for you that your dad is healthy at 86 years of age. That is so wonderful that he makes dollhouses - Wow! He must be an amazing man! Treasure your time with him!
    Take care,

  25. I love your lilacs and I love your pictures. They are so beautiful in the ball jars. Sniff Sniff. Wish mine were still blooming.

  26. The lilacs look wonderful surrounded by turquoise! Skunks are fond of dark, quiet places so you can coax them to move elsewhere by leaving a radio playing and a lamp lit under your porch for a few nights. This worked for me when a skunk family moved into my garage. They are adorable, but they can carry disease and the smell will become a problem if you like to sit out on the porch.

  27. I am waiting (rather impatiently) for my lilacs to bloom. The smell is glorious. I can't wait to open the windows!


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