Sunday, October 7, 2012

Here Comes The Sun

Thank you all so much for your lovely and kind words
 on the previous post.

The sun has made some brief appearances in the last few days...
including a spectacular sunrise the other morning.



As we ready the place for the winter... is hard not to feel a bit sad
 that we won't be back for so many months... truly was a gorgeous spring, summer and fall
this year...and...
...we know how lucky we are to be able to spend time
 in this beautiful area with family and friends.

The Adirondack Park surely is a little slice of heaven on earth!

Hope you are enjoying some lovely autumn weather too!

I will be sharing some fun vintage finds 
 once settled back home...
 ...stay tuned!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Oh such beautiful photos! For sure what a magical place to be.

    All the fall colors and water look spectacular!

    Thanks for sharing~Cheers Kim

  2. It's so lovely, Laura. Enjoy your Sunday.



  3. very beautifull nature & enjoy colour autumn _)))

  4. very beautifull nature & enjoy colour autumn _)))

  5. Breathtakingly beautiful. How lucky you get to be there to see it.
    blessings to you.

  6. What gorgeous photos! That is some beautiful country there. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Dear Laura.
    those are the most amazingly beautiful photoes, and you captured the beauty in this wonderful spot, so fantastic.
    Just to speak about one of them: the red house and yellow /red tree-MY GOODNES it is stunning, so full of warmth and the brightest of autumn colours.
    And the ones showing the water, are almost of an etheral beauty.
    Such an experience -and also your post beneth this- and you are a wonderful photographer!!!

  8. Gosh, your pictures are amazing!!!!

  9. Beautiful foliage! and the mist on the water is beyond words.

  10. Since we don't really have an autumn here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and go from summer to winter, I really appreciate the beautiful photos you have captured while at your cabin. They are absolutely stunning.

    Be safe driving home! :)

  11. Oh my word your pictures are so incredibly beautiful - wow, truly breathtaking!

  12. Stunning photos. You are lucky, indeed, to be able to see such beauty!

  13. I loved the fall foliage photos. We lived for 10 years at the foot of the Adirondacks. Nowhere else is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pics of lovely fall foliage. I don't see much of it since moving to Florida. What an amazing place to live!

  15. hi laura,
    your photos are breathtaking! thanks for sharing the beauty of the changing leaves via the adirondacks. it's so beautiful there and especially now with the trees showing off their blazing colors.

  16. Our leaves here in TN. are just beginning to show some color, more down below then in the higher elevations. By next week it will be beautiful color.. The smokey Mountains will be jam packed with people.. Beautiful photo's Cindy

  17. Oh my gosh, Laura.....what incredible photos! I had to stop and just stare at each one -- willing myself into each picture; pretending I was standing on that beach gazing off to the mountains. Wow. I can't even imagine leaving a place like that behind for winter. Do you ever visit there when it's snowing? :)

    xoxo laurie

  18. We Floridians depend on you to show us some beautiful fall colors!
    Thank you...

  19. Oh Laura these photos just sum up the beauty of fall....lovely!! Hope you are well,sorry I have not been by but do think of you often! x0x0

  20. Oh Laura,
    The best Autumn images I've seen ........ what a beautiful part of the world and such a wonderful place to relax and to take in the scenery. Our Autumn hasn't been quite so colourful this year although, all of the leaves are yet to turn but it will not be as spectacular as yours !!
    Hope you are all well, Laura ..... sorry not to have been around so much lately .....we seem to have been busy and I'm still getting used to my new computer ...... it takes a little longer at my age !!!!
    Take care Laura and enjoy every minute of your beautiful surroundings. Much love. XXXX

  21. Chez moi, tout est encore vert ...
    At home all is still green ... I love autumn and yours images are so beautifull ! This place seem perfect !
    Bonne journée ...

  22. I missed your last post, oh what gorgeous pictures, glad the sun is back out. You know I always get a little melancholy in the fall. Not that it gets cold or we have a change of seasons here in Orlando, I think part of it is when it gets dark early.


  23. Beautiful autumn pictures

  24. You've shared some really tranquil and beautiful images, a real sense of peace in these photos...look forward to seeing your vintage finds. Have a great week. Sharon x

  25. un posto favoloso! un paradiso! bellissime immagini che mi trasmettono tante emozioni. un abbraccio

  26. Hi Laura:
    Your family cottage is fabulous...
    The views spectacular...
    Words cannot describe...
    We had a great Thanksgiving here..altho the temps were way below normal..

    Linda :o)

  27. The trees reflecting off of the water that magically turns to a muted glass like surface in the fall and the 5th picture that truly shows what "ablaze" means have made me smile. Thank you for my dose of home!

  28. Oh my gosh, your photos are amazing...the area looks so beautiful, I can see why you hate to


  29. Being a Southern Cal girl my whole life, I have yet to experience the changing of the seasons...but we are moving to the mountains soon and I can't wait for the second chapter of my life to begin. Beautiful Photos.

  30. I can see why your heart is there in the dacks. It's just beautiful with the trees changing colors. One day, I would love to visit since I've never been. Nope! I'm kinda happy your leaving though, maybe now we can meet up! LOL! Have a great wk. thanks for your comment on my blog.
    xxx Liz

  31. We moved to California over 35 years ago. The one season I miss is fall. We used to travel to New England every fall just to revisit it. Your pictures are lovely. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  32. Absolutely gorgeous! You took me away there for a moment--the fall colors are just extraordinary!



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