Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pretty Funny Vintage Pics

On Mother's Day I went across the river to Westchester
 to spend the day with my sister Mary Beth and family.
On the way I stopped in Tarrytown at Pretty Funny Vintage...
...another one of my favorite shops.

Stephanie Ross, the owner of this wonderful shop
 is a master at arranging her unique and off beat selection
 of antiques and vintage wares.

There is something for everyone here...

I think my Nana Hazel once wore this dress!

You know how I love doll clothes...



This shop is a treat and a great place to visit...
...only sorry both Stephanie and Mary were off that day...
...well, not sorry for them...after all...it was Mother's Day!
I am sure you can tell  by the vibe throughout the store...
...they are fun people to be with!

You may wonder...
...why did it take me so long to post these photos
 that I took way back on Mother's Day?
...it's a pretty long story and pretty funny too...
another time!

Pretty Funny Vintage!

You might want to even give them a LIKE on

and their online shop is here:

If you are in the area....stop by.
You'll love it!


  1. It's easy to see why this is one of your favs. What an interesting, eclectic shop of goodies. I spied several items that I like. Going to check out their Etsy.
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. Laura,
    What a fun shopping trip.That shop is filled with goodies galore!

  3. cool shop! I love this type of place...so homey and always something unexpected!
    I will have to check them out online!

  4. laura,

    thanks for the great write up!

    sorry we missed you.

    stop by again soon

    stephanie and mary

  5. Hi Laura
    What a great share on this darling shop!!!

    Have a wonderful week!!


  6. You had me at the name. This is definitely my kind of shop. All those little doggies in that case just waiting to be adopted. And was that a bowl full of red cross pins for dessert?! Yum!

  7. Another cute little shop. If I ever get to your neck of the woods I not have any trouble finding shops!!

  8. Laura~ I just got home from Italy... and I was definetely on a 52 Flea photo shoot.
    I'll let you know when I get it together.
    ciao y'all~

  9. Loved seeing the framed dolly dresses. They provided an idea about how to show some of the small doll dresses my mother made by hand many years ago. When she was no longer able to sew by machine, in her 80's, she stitched them together by hand--ruffles and all.

  10. You are such a luky girl to have all those nice shops around you!! but we are lucky too because you are so kind to share them!!! Really nice as usual Laura!!

  11. Hi, everything is nice and wonderful.
    Greetings from Dresden (Germany),

  12. WOW what a great shop. I love her displays. Going over to her etsy right now:) Thanks for sharing her with us:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. GREAT POST:) I really like your blog and I want to follow, do you have twitter or facebook??

    If you want some Swedish décor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great weekend.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

  14. Great photos! I've got my eye on those lovely old books!

  15. That totally looks like my kind of shop! Great photos.

  16. Love it all!! All the way from NZ!

  17. Wow, Wow, I want to go there but it's much too far away. I shall now visit their facebook and website. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Laura,
    what another great store, you can be very lucky to have such wonderful places nearby... Have a great weekend!
    Lovely greetings, Bine

  19. Can hardly wait to visit their online shop. She is a talented merchandiser. Love her block collection.

  20. Oh I'd love to visit there...thanks for letting me browse!

  21. Thank you for sharing such a great shop!! Went to visit the blog, etsy and facebook! I would love to shop there each week...

  22. Wow what a fantastic shop, I could have spent a day in there rummaging about :O)

  23. Hi Laura,
    What a cool shop! I would love to rummage around letting each piece inspire something in me :)

    You inspire the best.

  24. Oh, I would be in so much trouble shopping there! The Red Cross buttons brought back memories--and made me feel tres old.

  25. What a great Shop and I Love the sense of Humor incorporated in many of the Vignettes. I could wander a Shop like this for hours... and would need a U-Haul to cart away everything my Heart desired! *Winks*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  26. Thanks for taking us along with you...what a great shop...I can see why it is one of your favorites
    Laura! :) chris

  27. I MUST get to this shop!!!!
    Debbie and I were wondering what to explore next.....Rhinebeck will have to wait.
    Love, love, love it.
    Many hugs girlfriend,


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