Monday, February 14, 2011

How Many Loves Do You Have?

I could say that there are three loves in my life...
Mr. Flea, Dan and Kate.
But, really...I am blessed. 
There are so many more loves...
I am blessed with a beautiful family...
...a brother, two sisters, loving in-laws,
 nephews and nieces...

...and my wonderful and loving parents...
with whom I am spending lots of time these days.

I hope your Valentine's Day was filled with love too.
Have a wonderful week my friends.


  1. I have my great love, my other half. But like you I feel so lucky to have a family I would not swap for the world and friends I would never be without. Then passions for music, horses, clutter, writing, books. It is so nice to reflect on the things we have and to be thankful for all of them :-)

    I hope you are well and have been having a wonderful day! Those clock faces are so beautifully caught in your picture!

    Jem xXx

  2. I'm so with you...I am blessed with three babes and my husband, with some very close, loving girlfriends and in-laws that are amazing. Happy Valentines! Xoxoxo

  3. I too am loved by many...hope you had a Blessed Valentines day!

    xoxo Gert

  4. Happy Valentines Day, love the pics.

  5. And a happy Valentines day to you too Laura! Isn't it wonderful to be surrounded with so much love?

  6. Happy V-day to you! I also have many loves and I hope I appreciate them everyday and especially today!

  7. loving prayers i send your way. bless our loves. Bestest,Denise

  8. So wise, Laura. There are lots of kinds of love, aren't there? And lots of people to love in different ways. How nice to celebrate all of them. Hope you are having a loving day with you family. I am imagining it is your "family of origin," as they say in psychology. Do know that you all are in my prayers.

    Huge hugs,

  9. Very sweet....Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. LOVE - a word that can mean so many things to so many people. I love my family - I love my friends - I love my job~~~ You are blessed indeed. Thank you for keeping us grounded - Happy Valentines day to you as well!


  11. Happy Valentines and nice week !.

  12. Every day it's Valentine's day in my house with my love :-)
    I think I have 3 lovers, my love, my son and my daughter and...ooh yes my sweet parents, I love them very, very mutch.

    Have a nice and sunny day, Laura.
    Enjoy your week

  13. You are surely blessed, and so am I, with children, grandchildren and many more! On a day like this it's important to count your blessings, is it not!

    Cathrine :-)

  14. Oh Happy, happy Valentine's Day you, Mr. Flea, your children and extra special love to your Mum and Dad.
    Hope that you all had a day full of love and family time. XXXX

  15. Love is a perfect excuse to be silly, hug those you hold dear in your heart and give thanks for the wonderful things that have come one's way...
    I see yours was a perfect day too and I hope you enjoyed being a little silly.
    Susan x

  16. I'm blessed because there are too many to count on my fingers and toes.
    I hope you are having the "time" of your life with those that matter the most to you.

  17. My three children are really something special, and they´re having a very special place in my heart. But I have even more people to love and that I´m very grateful for.

    Wish you a very nice day and today I send some extra thoughts to you and your family. I just felt like doing that today.
    Take care Laura!

  18. I am blessed that our paths crossed and for all the inspiration and beauty you bring to us.
    Here's to love and all of the blessings!
    xo Isa

  19. Love you

  20. Hi Laura, I'm a pretty new follower and I'm reading your old posts (through june 2010 by now lol). I love your blog, love your way and love your good taste. In my near future plans, is the idea of having my own blog, I'm working on it.
    Hugs from Argentina!

  21. This is one of the prettiest Valentine's Day post i've seen. Your words ring true for me as well. So many loves in my life. ~ Sarah


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