Sunday, November 7, 2010

A New Week Begins

Today was Mr. Flea's birthday.
We took an early morning walk and then spent most of the day helping Dan move next door.

It was a cool but sunny November day...
...but now with daylight savings time... became dark very early.

 I'm not a fan of the dark!

This week I fly to Omaha to attend Silver Bella!
I'm feeling a bit unprepared but am looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing a few blogger friends for the first time.

I hope this week will bring all good things to you!



  1. Take me with you!!! come on I'm getting cabin fever already!
    I know you'll have a blast and who knows maybe we'll be buying your new creations on etsy after the show!

    ps Happy BD to Mr Flea

  2. I am not a fan of the dark either! :( Have fun at Silver Bella - looking forward to reading all about the big event.
    Happy Birthday to your Husband.
    Have a great week.

  3. i like your wishes for us have all good things. that would be nice to think about. gives me hope. the same to you. bestest,Denise

  4. Happy bday Mr. Flea! Hope you have fun! I am not a fan of the dark either! lol, Have a wonderful day! lulu

  5. Happy Birthday to Mr. Flea!! Have a safe trip to Silver Bella and have a blast while there.

  6. Birthday wishes for Mr Flea from Australia, Tamara x

  7. Happy birthday to Mr Flea!!! Have fun with your new friends!!!
    Wonderrful pictures in this post!!!
    Big hugs.

  8. Congratulations with Mr Flea..........and have a good save trip again..........lovely week darling........hugs from me Ria....

  9. Happy birthday for the man in the house.
    Have a nice week and come good at home.


  10. Your beerbottles come from my neighbourhood, very funny to see beerbottles from the small Flemish villages Rekkem and Lauwe appearing in America!!! We live in a very small world...


  11. I'm no fan of the dark either...but I didn't mind gaining and hour:) Have loads of fun at Silver Bella & happy birthday to Mr. Flea!!

  12. Dear Laura

    happy birthday to mr flea !!!!
    i`m so sorry , but i love the dark and the winter .... everywhere candels and the snow and ice ...i love it .

    have a nice time whit your friends !

    Love Peet

  13. hi laura! happy birthday to "mr. flea" and a huge congratulations to your son dan for passing the bar!!! have a fun and safe trip and bring back lots of inspiration.

  14. I'm no fan of the dark either. At least we have Silver Bella to look forward to - can't wait to see you again, Laura!!! p.s. if it makes you feel any better, I am feeling quite overwhelmed with packing for this trip :)

  15. Laura,
    I am unprepared, too. Don't worry. Just take what is right for you. I am so glad you are going. I have been holding my breath. All of my "stuff" is all over the house now. My poor family. They have been wonderful. Jud helped me do several things yesterday. Today I am on my own. I am looking to meeting you in person. Do come and say "Hi" if you see me. Remember. I am the one in and out of the wheelchair...OK? I act like an extrovert, but I am shy inside!
    Big hugs,

  16. Hey sweet girlfriend! It's been awhile..but, wanted to drop in and say "hey". Beautiful pics and posts, as always! Have fun in Omaha...and can't wait to hear all about it. xo...deb

  17. Happy November! Have a great time at Silver Bella.

  18. What beautiful pics! Have a wonderful week at Silver Bella!

  19. Happy Birthday!! I'm not a fan of the dark, but I do love seeing the stars.

  20. missed you yesterday, but I know you had other things to do. Thought you might be celebrating a bit more, but moving Dan is a nice family thing to do on Mr. Flea's birthday. Hope you gave him our good wishes!
    Have tons of fun this weekend if I don't get to talk to you before that. Forgot to tell you lots of things, but we will ketch up the week after.
    Love you,

  21. You guys were so brave...such a cool place and all the furniture and mantles and everything so neat! I would love to find out the history too. If only walls could talk...have a great time at Silver Bella.


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