Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Write The Story

... write the story.

Tomorrow I'll tell you mine.



  1. Intrigue!!
    I love your layered images Laura.. beautiful!! xxx Julie

  2. Laura, these are very interesting and pretty. I'm looking forward to the story!

  3. hmmm interesting images...intrigue indeed :-)


  4. Mr Barnes was a successful farmer from the mid 1800's who was in love with two very different, yet very beautiful women.....

  5. I love the layers, they remind me of window shopping... like a reflection when you're trying to see the goods behind the glass. Very pretty!

  6. oh my this glass is really pretty...mysterious.

  7. Two sister selling wares; one sweet the other a bit on the tart side. Both are in love with the same man, while arranging the pies and jam.
    The admirable, Mr. William Abbot approaches, a man with prestige and power in their small town. A man that makes female heads turn,makes women swoon, a man that could take your breath away!
    His dark curly hair and gray, blue eyes give one a sense of protection and warmth. He is the recent widower in town. A deep sadness remains in his eyes, his smile is a lingering memory. His wife died of small poxes, last fall. There didn't have child;they were newly married. It is too soon, but sister persists on being flirty and darts around him like a dragonfly. I on the other hand, use a subtle approach.

  8. Beatrice Barnes & Odetta Orchards. One was quite a salty character and the other sweet as pie...

  9. Beautiful and intreaging pictures - can't wait to hear the story! I love what Ellie wrote.

  10. Oh beautiful....I love those combinations....
    I have also made my banner this way....it gives such great atmosphere........
    So please tell your story;))
    Love your posts.
    Fine day

  11. summer-ie...I like the strawberry photo.

  12. Two friends, living in opposite sides of the world. One in Australian bush country, the other the English countryside. Today they have shared letters about life, love, their gardens and a recipe for berry jam. The whereabouts of the illusive Mr. Barnes is a topic of conversation. Reading between the lines, it is obvious that they both love him. He is on his is return from many years at sea....the question remains. Which shore is returning home to?

    Looking forward to your story!!


  13. can't wait for your story!! love the images......

  14. The Barnes sisters, dreaming of a life far removed from their mother's life as the wife of an apple orchard owner.
    Oh not for the Barnes girls this life of apples, apples, apples! No! Charlotte and Louise wanted to be on the stage singing, dancing, perhaps even star in a real play just like Sarah Bernhardt.
    And so they saved the money they made baking apple pies to sell by the roadside and just as soon as they had the fare to ride the train to New York City they would be off to fame and fortune!

  15. Two girls trapped in a life of kitchen work. All they wanted was some time away from the never ending crops that had to be canned.

  16. Maude May, born May 16, 1878, met Robert Barnes on a ship sailing to America. She was headed to be a maid in a Kansas, he to find his fortune. Their shipboard romance continued with letters back an forth. When he finally settled in the fertile Salinas valley in Central, California, he begged her to come west and be his bride. Together they started a farm…specializing in cherries, strawberries, raspberries and every delectable fruit they could think of. A year after their marriage, MM died in childbirth. Struck with grief, but strong, Robert carried on sometimes carrying Robbie jr. on his back when he worked in the orchards. One day in town, he met a young woman who was visiting her uncle. Her name was Maude May and her birthday was May 16...

  17. I really like these photos. Makes you really think about all this old stuff we collect. Who did it belong to?...what was it actually used for?... These are always questions I think about.

    Would love to read your story.


  18. Beautiful photos Laura! I'm curious about the story!

  19. Oh oh oh! And I won't be here. And I'll have no access to internet for two whole weeks (give or take a day). Dying to hear your story...
    J'ADORE your layered photos. They tell their own story don't they.

  20. ooh la la -- a cliffhanger --



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