Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thrift Store Finds

This is the time of year that I start to really miss my flea markets and yard sales...
Yesterday, during my lunch hour, I found a few things at the thrift store ...
...A pretty German hand painted peacock plate...

...a crocheted tablecloth and eight white damask napkins...
($5 for both)

a pretty etched glass jar with a silver topped cork stopper...

...a sweet white the ruffle top...

Set of books from the 20's....great pictures...maps....etc.
($2.50 for set)

...and I don't have a great picture of the whole garment...
...but this is a closeup of a pullover Italian wool sweater coat with attached hood and scarf...
It was $8... a bit funky with 3/4 length goes down to my knees and it fits!
(one size fits all)
I plan to wear it with boots and a black turtleneck...
(Maybe I will have Talulah Rose model it for you...)

Not too bad! At least, not too bad for a January thrifting lunch hour!
Wouldn't you say?


  1. i just found your blog .. and im in love ! :)
    i go to the flee market 3 times a week! lol
    Your new follower and Fan

  2. Sounds like a wonderful lunch hour to me- GREAT finds! I especially love the set of books!

  3. Goodness, Girl! That is an EXCELLENT lunch hour! WOO HOO! Sounds like it's ALWAYS thrifting season for the pros!
    Hugs --
    Betty :)

  4. So much fun to go treasure hunting. I really like the napkins. And my sister would love your peacock find... she collects those.

  5. Wow! Gorgeous finds at fantastic prices. Love everything! Why would anyone want to buy new when they can get such wonderful pieces as this at a thrift store. I would say your lunch hour was indeed spent very well. Blessings, Tammy

  6. how great are your finds? they are super! i have two of those bottles. they came in a set of three, in different sizes. i thought they were so pretty.imagine setting the table with your new lace cloth and using those lovely napkins. i bought an extra set of those napkins,so i could use them for wrapping gift packages. it was a special way to present a gift to someone. enjoy! Bestest,Denise

  7. I'm jealous that you can find things like that for such a good price. Our thrift stores think they are antique stores. My favs are the glass jar and the books.

  8. Laura..
    really neat finds..
    lucky you!!

  9. Yup.

    I would say you done swell.

    That etched jar is especially choice!

  10. You found some really good stuff!
    I love that etched jar and peacock plate!


  11. Several years ago we visited some friends of my my DH in San Francisco..........She had THE most amazing home I've ever been in........completely decorated by visiting the thrift store next door to her office on her lunch hour. I suppose I'd need to get a job to shop on my lunch hour? :-) Love your finds......especially the white vase.

    Warm blessings,

  12. Awsome finds! The crocheted tablecloth is beaautiful and so is the glass jar. I am heading out tomorrow to do some thrift store hunting myself. I hope I have some luck.


  13. Love your new finds!
    hugs from Poland,

  14. Not bad at all! I always think that you in the US have the best buys. Boy, that must be a disappointment when someone from the States visits a flea market in Paris! I use that crocheted cloth as a table cloth as well, but I always thought they were meant as bedspreads. Enjoy your finds and have a nice day!

  15. Those are brilliant bargains! $2 for that gorgeous bottle??? $5 for those lovely napkins and the tablecloth? Geez, our charity shops/thrift stores are getting so expensive and are full of brand new merchandise these days. Hard to find a real old fashioned one where you can still get bargains.

  16. You've got some great finds, there. Love the vase and am absolutely jealous over the books. Please enjoy them all at least twice... once, for me.

    ~ Just Joany
    Red Wagon Flights

  17. Love your finds! My faves are the etched glass bottle and the gorgeous sweater jacket! Woohoo:) Enjoy your day!

  18. A most excellent thrifting outing, for any time of the year, Laura. Great finds - amazing prices!

  19. Excellent lunch hour. great finds.

  20. Such wonderful finds...loving all of them but partial to the etched glass and the books...just grand have been dubbed the bargain hunter of the week.

  21. those are some great finds, it is always hit or miss at the thrift stores so it looks like you hit it big!!!

  22. You made the most of your lunch hour. I love the etched glass piece...very pretty.

  23. I love all of it! Fab finds and a great use of the lunch hour! :)

  24. It's amazing what we can pack in a lunch hour! Great finds...blessings

  25. Absolutely not too bad! I like your finds....the glass bottle is my favourite! Lucky Laura!
    Big hugs!

  26. Great the etched bottle.

  27. A pretty outstanding thrift hour I would say. Quite jealous actually, love that etched bottle. xo, suzy

  28. Great finds Laura. Maybe we'll get to see you in your new (to you) coat next month!!!
    Love the plate!

  29. not bad at all! shopping sounds fun!

  30. Laura ~

    I LOVE that you go to the thrift store on your lunch break!! Sooooo something I would do! Wonderful finds for sure!!!

    Have a great weekend!

    :) T

  31. I can't believe you found most of these items for $2 and under. You made some wonderful choices! I'm now inspired to go to my local thrift store during lunch time to buy some treasures!

  32. Wow, that's some thrift store finds! That little vase looks to be Fenton glass, highly desirable. The lacey tablecloth is so pretty.
    Good lunch hour shopping trip.

  33. Not bad at all darlin...thats the best kind of treasure isn't it,a cheap one!! X0X0

  34. Fabulous finds! What a great lunch hour trip.
    Love that peacock plate and the crocheted tablecloth.

    I am going fleaing on Saturday. Hope I have your luck!

  35. Hey Laura
    Well I'm sure you can find a lovely bargain wherever you go!! These little finds are great.. Love your coat [great colours] but it is the books I am fascinated with .. They remind me of my Grandfather's books we had as a child.. i suspect my brother snagged them! haha Have a wonderful weekend Laura.. xx Julie

  36. Wow great finds! Lucky you! That bottle and peacock plate are wonderful! ~ Theresa

  37. Wow, what a lucky girl are you! And the address of your thrift store is....

  38. love it all... so fun to discover treasures.... have a wonderful weekend...x pam

  39. Hello Flea52!!
    Iám german and i like your Blog.
    You have buy a really great plate from "Arzberg" with a unbelievable price.
    No way to find this in Germany for this.
    Love the white vase, i think it´s "Murano" from the 40/50ties.Regards Juergen
    If you like read a little bit in my blog.


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