Monday, January 4, 2010


Ornament: a decoration used to embellish.

These are pages from a lovely old book called Handbook of Ornament.
It is dated 1892 and was written by Franz Sales Meyer.
I like ornaments, embellishments and decorations...
I could spend hours lost in this book...

I'm feeling inspired to get out my inks and pens...
...maybe this weekend!

Hope you are having a good week!


  1. It's interesting what it is each day that inspires us to do our daughter just returned from a Vegas week-end and because there was so much over the top art going on there all she could think to do was Paint today.
    Mine was an empty room in the shop without the christmas decor...Now what I said to myself and just starts coming!
    Your book looks really the designs alot. and that spider showing, must check that out!

  2. Dearest Laura
    I don't know what happened to my comment on your last post... probably i was sooo jealous of your beautfiul gifts I just up an left in a hissy fit!! haha... no I'm only joking...

    Those presents from your friends are the sweetest thoughtful gifts... what a pleasure that you and your friends no each other so well... I;m sure that they treasure your friendship as much as you theirs...

    Sorry I'm ranting about these previous post still.. but i just love the blue hankerchief holder? and the stamped cutlery, they really intrigue me..

    Sorry to hear you are back to work ... someone has to do it .. right?
    Take care dear Laura and thanks for your always kind words.. xx Julie

  3. i love that strand. Dont you just love finding things that inspire! hope you find time to creat :)

  4. Beautiful ornaments Laura! You're very clever if you can reproduce them! I'm looking forward to see them!
    A nice day to you!

  5. Can't wait to see what you create dear Laurs! I am wanting to create also! Have a blessed day my friend!

  6. that book looks fantastic! I think you should get those pens and ink out right away!

    Have fun xxx

  7. Dear Laura,
    I´m very ecxited if you show us your work with the wonderful ornaments. It´s so great. I also love them -
    hugs Ruth

  8. Super......
    What will you make now........
    Oh this taste for more...
    Nice day

  9. Beautiful need to get your "inks and pens" have been saying that for sometime now?!?!? Hope you have a lovely day....can you believe I won the curtains from Tracey,I had to pinch myself! I am sooooooo excited!! Talk to you soon,Chrissy

  10. Laura ~

    Hi! I hope you have a wonderful, inspired week yourself!!! I need to go get a copy of Somerset so I can check out your feature :)

    :) T

  11. My husband would LOVE that book. He is a logo designer and he loves to do logos and webpages with historical ornamentation.


  12. Your pictures are amazing! And so inspiring! Thank you so much for that! xoxo, tia

  13. They're lovely, and I have a couple of books that showcase ornaments from that era as well. I hope that, if you sketch, you'll post those up for us to see!

  14. Oooh, I love the page with the urns and coffee pots/tea pots etc, such wonderful shapes!

  15. You always find the coolest books....have fun playing!

  16. Ooooooh yes! DO get out your inks and pens... But don't forget to show us the results! They will be beautiful I'm sure!
    Ange xxx


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