Thursday, September 24, 2009

Looking for 52

While in Florence, I admired the blue and white porcelain numbers on the buildings.... we walked down the street I was on the lookout for my number ...52...

Oh no! What does it mean?
...How sad....

I really like my number.


  1. Hi Laura,
    That is sad!!
    Just getting around to your blog, as my daughter had her baby on Monday.
    I have missed visiting you.

  2. Oh! I hope it is a good spot! Maybe the person is a celebrity? Sorry no good pic to use!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Oh, dear Laura.......thats really sad - hope you´ll find an other one!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Hugs Jade

  4. Grrrrr, why do people have to do things like this??? No answers for you, but it makes me sad, too.

  5. that is so sad. it's still a good number.

  6. I really like the typo! Too bad! I am 'collecting' the number 1 - 100 (and door knockers and letter box plates, only in my hometown for starters). Have a great weekend!

  7. I love these numbers,although I never think that they would look quite right on my English Victorian doesn't seem to look right to me....but when I have seen them in Italy, they look wonderful, as do the French house numbers, which are slightly different to the Italian ones.......
    It would have to be your number that had been defaced, wouldn't it, Laura. As much as I love Italy, France and the rest of Europe, I think that, sometimes, people have a romantic idea that these sort of things don't happen, but, as you've shown, I'm afraid they do. XXXX

  8. Hello my friend! I'll try to find the n. 52 for you!
    Happy week end!

  9. OH Laura
    Too bad... they do have a nice charm don't they.. prior to the vandalism. Well I think I love your silver 52 best!!! It has oomph and personality plus!!

    Have a great weekend xx Julie

  10. How did you come to the name 52 Flea? It is cute, is there a story to it? sandi

  11. I love the number. Too sad Yours was grafitti on...
    And I will ask the same as "The Green Pea", how did You come up with that name?

    Have a nice weekend.

  12. 52 FLEA =
    52 weekends in a year and 52 opportunities to go to the flea market!

    That's my answer and I'm sticking to it!
    :) Laura

  13. Well, curious but slightly nervous about what I might find, I googled some of that vocabulary and it seems to be Spanish, not Italian! Anyone have any opinions? They seem to be Spanish place names. What can be going on..?

  14. Well that's a relief! ....I was a bit fearful of the possibility of much worse...
    In any case.....why is there so much graffiti? I noticed this all over Italy and it makes me sad because the buildings are all so ancient and is such a shame that they are defaced in this way and it surely detracts from their beauty.

  15. Cool! Glad someone was smart enough to look it up! Never occurred to me. hehe
    Hugs, Lisa

  16. Hi Laura,

    It's almost been a year since I last visited!
    I was always peeking here everyday just waiting for you
    To post. I've been so busy re-doing an old warehouse in the Texas Hill Country. I have no idea what that says, but it is sad to see that on such a beautiful piece. I'm finally to a point I can get out and start shopping the flea markets agin. I will keep my eyes peeled for 52! I love the 52 weekends to shop! I have missed you nod your log so much, such an inspiration.



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