Monday, August 31, 2009

Dan and Friends at Lake

We arrived at the lake house late Friday night... Dan and his friends all the way from Buffalo...we were all exhausted after a grueling 4 to 5 hour trip in the pouring rain and fog....and went straight to bed....
It continued to rain all night long.....and all day long on Saturday....

It was a stay indoors day...
Michele worked on a puzzle while the rest of them played a marathon trivial pursuit game...

The rain let up once or twice....

But for the most was a miserable day and games inside...

Sunday, however, the sun shone! After breakfast...the "kids" took off in the boat to go water skiing and wake boarding....There they are in the the time I got to the dock to snap a picture...they had taken off down the lake...

I got them to pose for a picture just before their trip back to school....with a quick detour at The King of the Frosties for ice cream cones....they were off....

Law students, dental student and nutritionist in the was great fun for us and for my parents to have these smart, articulate and fun loving young people at the lake for the weekend!


  1. Hello Laura, how fun! So many of my blogger lady friends spent the weekend at the lake... I am envious! Looks like so much fun, sometimes a rainy day spent indoors is the best day of all... Bisous... Julie Marie

  2. Sometimes it is nice to stay inside and play games! They are a good looking bunch and I know you enjoyed them. Glad they got a good day outside too! Have a blessed day!

  3. Hey Laura~~Sounds like a wonderful weekend, despite the rainy Saturday!!
    Love your photos!!
    Have a fabulous evening!


    ~Let Freedom Ring!~

  4. That is the best. I have very fond memories of my daughter bringing home her school friends. One of the guys wanted to cut the grass because he "missed" doing it for his parents. We were happy to show him how to work the mower!!!

  5. I love a good board game, I think they are so much fun with a group of people!

  6. Good memories. Looks like a group of happy campers to me! You're a good mom and hostess.


  7. Sometimes rainy days are best...they force us to stay indoors and spend time together!

  8. Looks like a good time was had by all Laura...what's a bit of rain between doesn't always have to spoil your fun. A lovely weekend for you and your family and young friends. XXXX

  9. I love seeing your life at the lake -

    what wonderful memories for everyone....

  10. Oh how fun! Sorry about the weather!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Still looks like fun inspite of the rain!

  12. Wish our lake looked that good! Ours is just a tad to small. But oh so nice and cozy.

  13. Nice to have the young enthousiastic people around in your house! And thanks to the rain the games were played since a long time..? Greetings, Corine(THUIS)

  14. Hej Laura,

    Tjaaa rainy weather :), but i think you al look back to al wunderful weekend!

    Wish you a sunnyday

    Greeting from Sweden

  15. It looks as a nice week end despite the rain! You have a very nice boy Laura!
    See you soon!

  16. Looks like you are perfectly equipped for rainy days at the Lake House, and that everyone had fun anyways. Look at those happy faces!

  17. Look at that. The future of the country at your lakehouse.. hehe Looks like everyone had a great time, bad weather and all. x Julie

  18. Buffalo eh??? thats only 45 minutes from here,small world!! Thanks for coming by,always happy to see you have! x00xx0Chrissy

  19. How can you not have fun at the lakehouse? matter what the weather is. It's invigorating and relaxing just being there.

  20. What memories they must all have of your lakehouse :) Mine don't incl. a lakehouse but a huge trailor that slept 8-10 of us :) Can you imagine 6-8 kids of all ages talking till 3 in the morning and then ready to go to the lake or river by 7am...Goodness my parents must truly have loved us to have put up with us like that every summer :) But the memories I have in my heart are forever...Rose

  21. What a blessing to be surrounded by all that youth, chatter, and laughter. Wonderful memories in the making here!


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