Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spending Time with Sisters

This week I am looking forward to spending time with my sisters at the lake house....

We all lead such busy lives...I truly cherish this time together...there will be lots of sharing, talking, laughing, planning and dreaming...

(These two teddies belonged to sisters....second cousins of my mother in law....they were given to them by their father when they were young girls... almost 100 years ago....)

I am so grateful to have wonderful sisters to share my life with....

(The copper plaque above was found at the thrift store.....only $1!....maybe we'll get to do a little shopping...thrifting...junking and antiquing this week too!)


  1. Have such a wonderful time. I found my sister later in life, in the form of a best friend.
    Ironically we grew closer when she moved 2 time zones west. When she finally returned to Michigan 8 months later I moved 2 time zones west, but through it all we shop online togther, finish each others sentences & somehow think same things each day.
    And the plaque is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I soo agree...
    My sisters are my best friends in the WHOLE WORLD...
    And I´ve got 5 of them...=)))
    But it´s my little sister and I who get together most of the time...
    We have kids in the same age...and only one years different between us...
    Have a great weekend...
    Huugs Git

  3. Your teddies are just lovely! have a nice time with your sister!
    Happy week end!

  4. I love those old bears...sooo sweet!
    I do have a sister too, but she has a handicap
    (is this the english word???)
    It's difficult to have any contact with her...
    I miss that sometimes what you have with your sister!!!
    have fun together! cherish it!

  5. Your brother will be there too!

  6. Have a wonderful time...I'm a teeney bit jealous. I have a lake house...sort's actually a lake mobile home :o}...but I don't have a sister...or a brother for that matter. Never really wanted a brother but I always wanted to be a big sis and my mother said NO!! You'd think after 54 years I would've gotten over this! :o} *elaine*

  7. Dear Anonymous (alias Brother Biff),
    Hooray! That means dear sister in law Donna will be there too!!!!
    You know I Love you!

  8. Oh, I agree...but for me it is a brother!! Have a wonderful time this weekend! Take care, Caroline

  9. Oh my gosh, I am so totally in love with the copper plaque, what a truly lucky find, it is simply divine!! I hope you have lots of fun and laughs and so enjoy your time with your sisters!!

  10. Have a great time together! My son bought a little statuette which would match your plaque - he has interesting taste for a child his age!

  11. i only see my sister once a year...and i treasure every minute...sister time is very special...i hope you have a wonderful visit with your sisters!!! the copper plaque is gorgeous!!!

  12. Sounds so wonderful! Have a great time sharing memories and making new ones.

  13. thank you for visiting and for your nice comment. Love, love, love the Teddy bears......just adorable. xo jana

  14. Have a wonderful time!!

  15. Hi Laura,
    I have only one sister,who lives in the Azores (a small island in the atlantic ocean) and is now going through difficult times. I wish I could be with her!!
    Enjoy their company! That will be a marvellous time.
    Be happy and have an amazing weekend.
    Loved the pictures! They are even prettier when they have lovely stories behind
    Rosa from Portugal

  16. Laura , have a smashing weekend with your sisters. I have one sister with whom I have just spent a week with at her house....our husbands went off ,driving through France and Spain in a morgan sports car, and my sister and I had a great time.
    I have to say though , your brother sounds great. I think that he has a terrific sense of humour. Enjoy yourselves. XXXX

  17. Hi Laura,
    I envie the closeness you have with your sisters and brother Biff ( can't forget him) I can't wait to meet them. If they're there when I come visit of course.

  18. one dollar eh? copper? that's just awesome!

    I haven't been here in a few day, don't have time right now, but will be back to peruse through more later...

    that annabelle hydrangea is one of my favorite flowers~


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